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Richard Naidoo

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Self-learning coding, AI, marketing and cybersecurity | Richard Naidoo

Day in the life of Richard Naidoo


Last update: April 2024

I started this coding journey in October 2023. This site aims to showcase those skills.

HTML and CSS was the "path of least resistance", so I am starting out with Front-End Dev. I never realised how versatile JavaScript is, so spending a lot of time on it. It will simplify learning subsequent languages.

Why coding? A lifetime ago, I was a MS-SQL DBA and enjoyed writing stored procedures for Developers. But, after a time, I missed the hustle and bustle of callcenters, so decided to exit that path. Coding has been in the back of my mind though and I love how it stimulates idea creation!

This site uses the W3 CSS Framework in a grid layout. I will be updating it continously to incorporate new learning.

So...this will be kinda-like a blog, to keep HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills sharp. I'll highlight some work in my portfolio and explore learning on the other topics (especially where they intersect) that are of interest to me. Here is a video changelog for this site.

I welcome LinkedIn connection requests to develop that network.


To view my work experience, here is my CV, recent assessments and certficates of learning.

Site logo's used for learning


...I no longer see the code...

Cypher - The Matrix

The quote is overly-dramatic but quite effectve in the movie and indicative of how developers read code. They don't see a language made of notations - they interpret it as you are reading this English. So, that's my aim...

The sites used for this self-learning "escapade" are very good and I recommend them. However, if you have another resource... I'm all ears.

Learning from Tutorials, Exercises, Quizzes and Forums is not easy, but I have found that it reinforces knowledge and continously bears fruit with new approaches to problems and exploring the possibilities of the language/technology. Although, there is duplication, each of these sites have a different format of dissemenating knowledge that I find useful.

Kudo's to...

The plan is to get a couple of certifications, as soon as I can spend disposable cash on it, but here is a sense of the free-learning achieved.

I continously reference the material at W3Schools and want to pass the Web Development certification.

Although, I have several certificates from Sololearn, I want to tackle the exercises which are only available on subscription...for the sake of completion, but more as a super-huge thank you to the owners of the site!

I am currently working my way through these exercises and learning React.

Site logo's used for learning and design


I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

As you can see from my learning, I have "dipped a toe" into Graphic, Marketing and Product Design. I think it is imperative for a developer to know how designer's think. The thought experiments were highly interesting.

My go-to tool to manipulate images and graphics has always been PowerPoint. I used it again for the logo and the hero infographic. Although, I tried Canva, PowerPoint had all the options needed.

I am also checking out SEO, using Ubbersuggest and Semrush to optimise. SEO is more involved than I imagined!
It took a while to get the site ranked and I initially thought it had something to do with it being hosted on GitHub Pages. I added a sitemap and participated in the Github Community and voilà! - it ranked!

I am working through all recommendations from these sites as well as Google Search Console and insightful trip.

Site logo's used for learning


Buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy...

Cypher - The Matrix

As I explore Generative AI, ideas for use are coming fast and furious. I have been testing, that uses Microsoft's Azure OpenAI for code explanation and sometimes (in small doses) code generation. Recently started comparing it with ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT appears to be better. It's faster for one and the results are more concise, however, I am still finding value in the comparison.

What do you think about the HTML, CSS, JS and React images/logo's (below the navigation) created by Microsoft's Copilot?

What do you think about the Design, SEO, GenAI and Machine Learning images/logo's (below Escapades) created by Microsoft's Copilot?

Watch this space for a demonstration of those ideas hinted at!

Being curious, the mechanics of neural networks is a must. I have gone down the TensorFlow rabbit hole and boy is it deep! Thank you Great Learning and Udacity for excellent intro courses. The aim is by no means to become an expert but I find that knowing how it all works is sufficient to illuminate my coding exploration.


Learning Coding Foundations with sololearn Learning Web Development with sololearn Learning HTML with W3Schools Learning CSS with sololearn Learning JavaScript with sololearn Learning React with W3Schools Learning SQL with sololearn Learning UI/UX Design with Great Learning Learning Design Thinking with Great Learning Learning Logo Design using Canva Coursera Learning SEO using Ubbersuggest with Coursera

Love creating something from nothing